Fetal Tissue

Your Food is Flavored with Fetal Tissue | Alternative

January 21, 2017 Jim Duke 0

  Has your food been flavored with human tissue? A shocking report comes out of several sources, including NaturalNews.com and WND that reveal a loophole in the research industry to use fetal tissue for flavoring of certain foods and drinks. According to experts HEK-293 involves usage of embryonic cells taken [READ MORE]

Jim Duke Perspective

You Might Be A Cannibal and Not Know It

January 19, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Would you consider eating human flesh? Well, you just might be if you consider what the food industry has been doing. We will look at the industry involved with research of “flavoring.” Has your food been flavored with human tissue? A shocking report comes out of several sources, including NaturalNews.com [READ MORE]

Jim Duke Perspective

Your Computer is Being Hacked by Government Agencies

January 12, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Rule 41 has been extended to include provisions for governmental agencies to access your computer if it has reason. And the reasons are quite alarming that give them permission without a warrant. Find out how the FBI can hack your computer legally without your knowing. Rule 41 is a ruling [READ MORE]

Obama thinking

Obama Expands NDAA Provision to Regulate “Fake News”

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

During the holiday, Obama signed a provision HR 5181 that would determine propaganda of news sources.  This provision can consider you a propagandist. It is a provision of the NDAA that was signed by President Obama over the holiday, called “the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act” to counter “foreign disinformation [READ MORE]

False Gospel of Jesus Christ

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Is the gospel of Jesus Christ false? Seems to be a variety of paths to God. And even among Christians the path is wide. What is the true gospel and is there a false gospel?

Witchcraft In High School and in Society

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Avon High School in Connecticut has a lawsuit against its two teachers for allegedly enticing three girls in their witchcraft cult. Witchcraft is becoming more socially acceptable. We will discuss how prominant it has become in our face in society.

Fake news

Fake News And Pizzagate

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Controlled mainstream media calls alternative sources “fake.” But they are actually the fake news. We will expose Pizzagate and the pedophilia ring that permeates politicians and Washington D.C. from the Clinton/Podesta emails. Hope for victims: 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me [READ MORE]

Dispelling the Darkness

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Many love the darkness rather than the light. We will discuss the true light and why the deeds of darkness need to be exposed. In this episode Jim and Bob discuss the contrast.

fort lauderdale-hollywood airport

Ft Lauderdale Shooter Claims CIA Programmed Him

January 7, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Whenever we have these high profile public cases, the first question is whether or not it was a false flag, and then to discern the motive for such. In many cases, the suspect is somehow killed and rarely has the chance to claim his innocence or cry out about his [READ MORE]