Minerval owl of the Bavarian Illuminati

How The Illuminati Opposed Christianity | podcast

May 2, 2022 Jim Duke 0

In this episode I explain the antics of the Illuminati and how they subdued Proestant Christianity to those unaware. Much of this was from a source called “The Bavarian Illuminati” in which an author in the early 1900s collected the last known documents of the writings of the Illuminati. NOTE: [READ MORE]

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Illuminati to the Jacobin Club

March 20, 2022 Jim Duke 0

After being found out in 1785, the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt changed its name to the Jacobin Club, simply known as the Jacobins. Weishaupt instructed the Illuminati never to be known by their real name, but concealed under other names. They infiltrated the Freemasons in 1777 hid within their circles [READ MORE]

The Constitution

Two U.S. Constitutions | podcast

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we discuss two Constitutions, one of Independence and rights of the people, the second of the District of Columbia. We find that the reason politicians can skirt around the rights of the people and the Constitution is because there is one that is binding under the USA [READ MORE]

Council on Foreign Relations

Plan of the CFR

April 26, 2020 Jim Duke 0

The CFR proposes working through sectors of society piece by piece to achieve enough compliance for one world government. Led by the Illuminati bankers, its members contribute their sector to this effort of World Government. The incidents leading to WWI had been planned by the Elite Bankers in which to [READ MORE]

Gary Wayne

Gary Wayne Gnostic Origin for End Times | podcast

April 21, 2020 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we are again joined by author researcher Gary Wayne as he makes some connections with Gnostic beliefs and the ancient mythos bringing it into perspective of this current age and End Times. Gary talks about the fallen angels, their significance with ancient pagan and Gnostic beliefs, and [READ MORE]

newspapers hidden eye

Illuminati Media Control for Globalism | podcast

December 22, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we explain how the Illuminati strategically took over the streams of information of society to infiltrate and indoctrinate citizens. From the original plan of Adam Weishupt to confiscate libraries and booksellers, to modern media, we share the progressive steps towards indoctrinating the New World Order. Adam Weishaupt [READ MORE]

Illuminati Zionist

Illuminati and the Zionist Conspiracy | podcast

September 21, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we conclude a series of discussion on Zionism, Crypto-Jews and Jesuits to make a conclusion based on what we have found and what we know about the manner in which the Illuminati operate. Which corner do we look behind? Keep your eyes on each, or they will [READ MORE]

Mystical Seven in Conn.

Secret Nature of Secret Societies | podcast

July 21, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we explore the characteristics of Secret Societies, what most share, and also the inside secrets that make them well-guarded. Secret Societies have been around since the beginning of time, and they continue as an Elite inner circle of those who consider themselves in the know as worthy [READ MORE]

great seal

The Illuminati Plan Still on Track

June 21, 2019 Jim Duke 0

Many scoff at the idea of a secret group called the Illuminati. Either they mistakenly believe they banished in 1785, or they deny they exist at all. Some believe the group operates as the Deep State. Others that they are a Shadow Government. Wherever they hide, the truth is that [READ MORE]

Illuminati triangle eye

The Illuminati | podcast

June 19, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we explore the Illuminati and some of the myths surrounding this mysterious group. Who are they and where did they go? Are they Jay Z and other entertainer members? This infamous group are blamed for everything, yet they do not seem to appear anywhere. Except on new [READ MORE]


Secret Societies Not Heard About | podcast

March 19, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we look at some of the Secret Societies many do not know about. We often talk about Secret Societies that are familiar. But there are some, even having major influence, that many have not heard. Some are splinter groups from well-known ones, others stand alone. And many [READ MORE]

Presidents and Illuminati

Presidents and the Illuminati | podcast

February 18, 2019 Jim Duke 0

Our history is not always as we have learned. Many regard the founding Presidents; Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and even administrators as Benjamin Franklin, as Conservative godly men who have been influenced by the Christian faith and were themselves Christians. However in documents about them we see a different account. One [READ MORE]

The Great Seal

The Great Seal: Origin and its meaning

November 9, 2018 Jim Duke 0

A Seal was designed by the founders as an emblem to stand for the symbolic task of the United States. The design of the Great Seal was agreed upon in 1782 that is seen printed on the reverse side of the United States One-Dollar bill since 1935. After seeing the [READ MORE]

Laura Maxwell

Laura Maxwell: The Illuminati Halloween Agenda

October 29, 2018 Jim Duke 0

Our guest Laura Maxwell explains how the Illuminati push the Halloween agenda to desensitize the public to occult rituals and paganism through the New Age beliefs. She discusses the progression in the 20th Century towards acceptance of occult witchcraft using Halloween and its imagery. She also gives her own personal [READ MORE]

Building on fire

Conspiracy Theories That Are More Than Theory

June 4, 2018 Jim Duke 0

We examine the nature of conspiracy and specific conspiracy theories that are more than just theory. Some of the documents have been published, and evidences proving that something more than a mere coincidence of incidents have given fodder for tin-foil hat wearers to gain suspicion. The very discredit of conspiracies [READ MORE]

celebrities at party

Entertainment Industry Exposed

April 28, 2018 Jim Duke 0

Hollywood Victims, or Participants? Exposing the Industry and how it operates behind the scenes. You would NOT believe it. People say we should feel sorry for those in the entertainment field abused, used, and victims of harassment and Satanic Ritual Abuse. However, performers are well aware of the balance and [READ MORE]

President composite

Presidents Are Illuminati Controlled

April 25, 2018 Jim Duke 0

People think that Presidents are voted on, that the people put them in office. But are they actually chosen for us? And do we simply choose one of a few that are put in front of us by an Elite picking? This episode discusses the process and control the Illuminati [READ MORE]


Socialism for NWO Indoctrination of Students

April 14, 2018 Jim Duke 0

A report says that nearly half of millennials prefer Socialism over Capitalism. Most students do not even know the meaning of Socialism. The Social Engineering agenda is a success. We discuss the Illuminati Socialist agenda for a New World Order, how Socialism has been indoctrinated in students through the education [READ MORE]

Democrat Republican logo

Politics of Deception

March 12, 2018 Jim Duke 0

Many think politics is legislation of policies for the betterment of society and protection of its citizens. But behind politics is a dirty corrupt staging of the agenda, and swaying politicians to comply with the vast master plan of a New world Order. PLAY EPISODE Your browser does not support [READ MORE]