
Churches Built on a Faulty Premise

November 15, 2015 Jim Duke 0

The church model we are accustomed to is a system run as an Institution, organization, or denomination. It is governed by a governing church board, a board of elders, or upon a Pastoral vision. Many expect the churches to run by Pastor authority. That is what we had excepted as [READ MORE]

Upon This Rock I will Build My Church

November 10, 2015 Jim Duke 0

Jesus built the church. But what is church, and how did we get the wrong understanding of the organization structure? Many will fill the blank with the word “church” because it is the translated word traditionally accepted used by the KJV and other translations. Let us look at a verse [READ MORE]

Are You Going to Heaven?

August 20, 2015 Jim Duke 0

Everyone wants to go to heaven. Everyone thinks they are going to heaven. However, when asked are you sure you are going to heaven, that is where many hesitate. So they are back to the beginning question. Some will justify their answer by claiming they are not any worse than [READ MORE]


Identifying the Antichrist and his purpose

August 16, 2015 Jim Duke 0

and what even some Christians may not want to hear The Antichrist will soon make his appearance on this earth according to prophecy. Who is he and what does he want? Jim and his co-host Bob Nietupski look at the identity of this character through scriptures, his purpose, and what [READ MORE]

Victims of Mind Control

Shocking Inside of MK Ultra Mind Control

August 8, 2015 Jim Duke 0

The government operation known as MK Ultra Mind Control program is still going on today through other names. What impact does it have and how has it affected society as a whole? Jim and his co-host Bob Nietupski will examine its roots, spiritual connection, and influence on society. Many are [READ MORE]


The Modern Church Dilemma

July 26, 2015 Jim Duke 0

There is a move of people to leave the confines of the structured modern church. It isn’t that they have decided to move to the competition across the street. Not that they have left the faith to serve other gods. And in most cases not due to an abusive situation. [READ MORE]

Salvation and deliverance

July 20, 2015 Jim Duke 0

What is salvation? Well, before one can be saved, it would be important to know why you are in need of salvation in the first place. Many Christians tell someone to just “accept” Jesus Christ and repeat a phrase and move their lips to become saved to have eternal life. But it is a bit [READ MORE]

God creates the heaven and earth

Who is God?

May 25, 2015 Jim Duke 0

“God” is a generic word that is understood as the meaning of a Divine Deity. Biblical rendering is to the Almighty Supreme Creator of Heaven, who is described as “God of gods” to differentiate Him with other gods. In Greek it is “Theos.” Earlier Hebrew renderings called Him “El,” which is the [READ MORE]

Contamination in Christian Churches

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke 0

The Contamination in Christian Churches – #041 The Bible warns some will creep into the Church spreading deception and doctrines of heresies. In this episode we will examine the true meaning of church, the direction of modern church, and the contamination of Freemasonry that has infiltrated Christianity to usher in [READ MORE]