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Luciferianism and Lucis Trust

October 6, 2021 Jim Duke 0

Lucifer (Latin name) is the Hebrew Heylel, which means “shining one,” or “Light Bearer,” which is why those who follow enlightenment and Gnosticism are Luciferians who call themselves, “Children of the Light,” or “Holders of the Light” (Illuminati). They progress the doctrine of Lucifer to bring Lucifer to society through [READ MORE]

Freemasons in ritual

Secret Religion of the Elite | podcast

June 26, 2021 Jim Duke 0

The Elite may seem unspiritual or irreligious, but do have a code of sorts, a Brotherhood, an occult doctrine they contribute. They don’t worship God of heaven however. They allude to an image of an allegory in which serves as a personification of a god they contrive as a source [READ MORE]

devil and witch

Devils and Witches | podcast

October 15, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode we discuss the idea of devils and the devil, the nature of Satan and Lucifer, and the reality of witches. The Wicca religion became popular in the 1960s as a neo-pagan group to express their rituals. Halloween emphasizes the imagery of devils and witches in a fictitious [READ MORE]

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Which Secret Society Is On Top?

August 6, 2019 Jim Duke 0

Many ask me which Secret Society is top dog. I am going to reveal it here. The Freemasons are well known for their community presence, and also their sketchy secret meaning. Some inside deeply involved have knowledge of esoteric meaning and rituals. Members have a hand in business, law, and [READ MORE]


The Reign of Lucifer

July 13, 2019 Jim Duke 0

Scripture tells us of a guardian Chief cherub of God (Ezek 28). In his pride, he became Adversary of God (Satan) who rebelled against him to challenge his authority and fell from his position in heaven. In Genesis 3 his influence through the Serpent tempted mankind through Eve in the [READ MORE]

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Lucis Trust, the United Nations, and Lucifer Worship

September 17, 2018 Jim Duke 0

Lucis Trust is an organization with education centers for New Age and esoteric knowledge, such as the Arcane School and Tara Center. It is a Luciferic Organization that worships Lucifer and was started by Alice Bailey and her husband in the early 1920s as an offshoot of Theosophy founded by Satanist Helena [READ MORE]

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The Illuminati Doctrine

March 11, 2018 Jim Duke 0

The Illuminati is not a social club or membership organization that outsiders can merely join. Nor is the IlluminatiAm website a true representative of the Ancient Illuminati or even the Bavarian Branch. The Illuminati are those high-level Enlightened bloodlines which contribute to a philosophical ideology of Enlightenment, which is rooted [READ MORE]


Goddess Worship and New Age at the U.N.

December 4, 2017 Jim Duke 0

The United Nations will host a statue of the Greek goddess Athena for exhibit on display, We are seeing a rise in paganism and goddess worship, and even female principle of occult magick. We will share the inside of the New Age and its Luciferian connection, and how it has [READ MORE]

Laura Maxwell

New Age and Halloween with Laura Maxwell

October 15, 2017 Jim Duke 0

My guest Laura Maxwell brings us her interesting perspective on the New Age beliefs and their relationship with Halloween. She will tell her testimony and how she came to know inside the New Age and Spiritism, then how she came out of it to the salvation of Jesus Christ. Laura [READ MORE]


You Shall not Die, and Psychopaths Run the World

July 30, 2017 Jim Duke 0

One of the greatest lies ever told was “You shall not surely die.” Man has been trying to beat the rap since the beginning. And some of the Elitists think they have technology that will give them immortality. These psychopaths have a nature that make them incredibly insane, narcissistic, and [READ MORE]

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The Evil Spirit of the Entertainment Industry | PODCAST

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke 0

The entertainment industry is known for its promiscuity, perversions, and even occult activity. The environment of entertainment is inherently toxic and awards its own set of troubles. Perhaps because of the spirit that is behind the drive for fame, fortune, and wealth. And the nature of the industry is expected [READ MORE]


The Deception of Satan

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Satan has deceived man to keep him from the gospel. The gospel is clearly offered, yet many are blinded from it (2 Cor 4:4). Because Satan has presented a deception that is enticing to satisfy our rebellious spirit. His first attempt was as a Serpent to deceive Eve and entice [READ MORE]

Revealing Trump’s Illuminati Bloodline

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Many have claimed Trump is an Illuminati. But only that he must be without knowing the actual connections, or tracing his genealogy. The Illuminati we speak of is not a membership organization, but is a tracing of bloodlines that go back to days of antiquity. The Illuminates believe they have [READ MORE]

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The Basis for Gnostic Beliefs

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke 0

The Gnostic beliefs have been the most challenging to the ways of God and have since the beginning of time been the instigator to the path of death, while counterfeiting as another way to life. The account in the Bible in Genesis 3 holds the basis for all gnostic beliefs [READ MORE]

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Two Kingdoms

May 21, 2017 Jim Duke 0

There are two kingdoms, the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. You are of one or the other. The kingdom of darkness is death to the Spirit of God, it is conformity to temporal things of this world, flesh indulging, and for progression of the world. It has [READ MORE]

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The United Nations Luciferian Connection

May 7, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Many applaud the United Nations for its public policy and efforts of humanitarian society. Even President Trump resorts to complying with U.N. policies as is the norm and expected diplomatic practices. However, the U.N. is a front for Luciferian agendas. Proven by its underlining Luciferian themes and esoteric teaching dedicated [READ MORE]

Helena Blavatsky

New Age Progression

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke 0

The New Age is a concept that was coined after the beliefs of the Theosophical Society founded upon the principles of Helena Blavatsky in 1877. Blavatsky was cited as being a mystic, Satanist, witch, and Luciferian occultist. In her books Isis Unveiled (1877) and The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky claimed that [READ MORE]

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CERN: The Key to End Times

March 19, 2017 Jim Duke 0

While some say they will NEVER accomplish what they intend, it certainly is a goal and representing what mankind will accept. It is Genesis 6. It is Revelation 9. It is Matthew 24. CERN is plastered with esoteric language and imagery. Revealing it is not just a scientific project, but [READ MORE]

Dispelling the Darkness

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

Many love the darkness rather than the light. We will discuss the true light and why the deeds of darkness need to be exposed. In this episode Jim and Bob discuss the contrast.

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New World Order Exposed

December 17, 2016 Jim Duke 0

The world is in shambles. Nations war against nations, a new threat of terrorism has developed requiring the countries to tighten its security, and economic turmoil still looms. The environment is struggling as an agency is relied upon to regulate the available resources on the earth. And the Elite continue [READ MORE]

illuminati elite organization

The Luciferian Network

December 16, 2016 Jim Duke 0

Many now know of the mysterious Elite group known as the Illuminati. My article Who Are the Illuminati explains the basics of this Secret Society. But behind the Illuminati is is a vast network working to rule physical earth, at the same time controlling principalities and powers in the spiritual [READ MORE]

Helena Blavatsky

New Age and Occult Luciferianism

June 5, 2016 Jim Duke 0

Madame Helena Blavatsky in the 1800’s promoted a spiritism that would invoke spirit guides for the betterment of society. Her belief is known as Theosophy, God-wisdom, that claims higher consciousness spiritual enlightenment. This developed into the Theosophist Society in which many world leaders have adopted as their belief system, such [READ MORE]