Cyclone Caterina

Weather Manipulation and Man-Made Storms

September 2, 2017 Jim Duke 0

A question arises of weather manipulation and man-made storms as evidence of patents and experiments have been revealed. The devastation in Texas is a tragedy and our hearts go out to those who have been traumatized. The weather can take horrific turns and cause havoc that we cannot control. This [READ MORE]

Obama thinking

Obama Expands NDAA Provision to Regulate “Fake News”

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke 0

During the holiday, Obama signed a provision HR 5181 that would determine propaganda of news sources.  This provision can consider you a propagandist. It is a provision of the NDAA that was signed by President Obama over the holiday, called “the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act” to counter “foreign disinformation [READ MORE]

U.N. Resolution a Stab at Israel and Cause for Conflict | Israel

December 26, 2016 Jim Duke 0

  The United nations passed Resolution 181 to halt construction of settlements for Israel for building on the West Bank. By Obama intentionally not vetoing it passes the Resolution to allow a Two-State solution. See Story: U.N. Resolution a Stab at Israel and Cause for Conflict | Israel

Satanism as a new political movement in America |

April 21, 2016 Jim Duke 0

  Did you know that when Barack Obama began his presidency with his mother-in-law (Mooch’s mom) inviting a voodoo priestess to perform a Santeria ceremony in the White House? (See “Under Obama, demon… Full Story: Satanism as a new political movement in America |