Crowley's LAM

Aliens and Extraterrestrials | podcast

September 22, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode Jim and co-host Darrin explain the nature of alien belief and the counter-argument that they may not be what people think. We go over the ideas of Sitchen and the Anunnaki argument and debunking some of his claims, as well as a rational explanation from a biblical [READ MORE]


Opening Portals of Demonic Spirits or Aliens | podcast

January 10, 2019 Jim Duke 0

In this episode the panel discusses opening portals of spiritual consequences. Scientists have hinted to such intent as CERN director Sergio Bertolucci admits something from that world may come through into ours as they open a portal. New Agers using channeling to “summon” spiritual wise ones as they seek guidance [READ MORE]

Comic bars

Superheroes, Nephilim, Paranormal and Pop Fiction | podcast

December 5, 2018 Jim Duke 0

Superheroes are a part of every boy’s (and girl’s) life. They stand for justice, as well as hope of heroism in a misfit world. However, they also are an introduction into a darker and more occult world, filled with mysticism, paranormal activity, and sceintific anomolies, that stimulate the creative fantasy [READ MORE]