
Identifying the Antichrist and his purpose

August 16, 2015 Jim Duke 0

and what even some Christians may not want to hear The Antichrist will soon make his appearance on this earth according to prophecy. Who is he and what does he want? Jim and his co-host Bob Nietupski look at the identity of this character through scriptures, his purpose, and what [READ MORE]

Victims of Mind Control

Shocking Inside of MK Ultra Mind Control

August 8, 2015 Jim Duke 0

The government operation known as MK Ultra Mind Control program is still going on today through other names. What impact does it have and how has it affected society as a whole? Jim and his co-host Bob Nietupski will examine its roots, spiritual connection, and influence on society. Many are [READ MORE]

Witchcraft in Modern Society

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke 0

Witchcraft in Modern Society – #036 Witchcraft once thought to be an ancient practice involving mysticism, spell-casting, and worship of nature is going on in our modern society under a different form. You have seen it hidden in plain view. This episode reveals the practice in our modern times practiced right in [READ MORE]