Christmas and Catholicism | podcast

Christmas and Catholicism | podcast

December 26, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the Christmas season and connection with Catholicism by analyzing its roots. Some say the season is about Christ, but the name is only a label to the real significance to the festivities. Christians adopt the time. Listen to “Christmas and Catholicism” on Spreaker. In our [READ MORE]

Origins of Halloween | podcast

Origins of Halloween | podcast

November 9, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we trace the origin of Halloween and the significance with pagan worship. We also go through the dangers of this time of year with not only coinciding with Satanic rituals, but also the spiritual context of participating. This episode explains the origins of Halloween, how it transformed [READ MORE]

Doc Marquis Explains Halloween

Doc Marquis Explains Halloween

October 28, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ex-Illuminati witch Doc Marquis joins me for this episode into the background behind the dark holiday known as Halloween. Doc shares his insight as well as his warning into the dark occult rituals and celebration that has become what we know as Halloween. Even how participating from afar from the [READ MORE]