How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

How to Detect a False Flag | podcast

March 31, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ever hear of a “false flag?” It is a psychological tactic of a scenario staged, plotted, or provoked to blame a party or distract from something in order to deceive the public into believing someone or something else was the blame. This episode explains false flags with examples in society [READ MORE]

The Structure of Freemasonry

The Structure of Freemasonry

March 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many Freemasons will argue that their Craft is only a Gentleman’s Club of innocence to promote morality and virtue. However, their own documents prove otherwise. Many wonder how we know more than the initiate taken through the course. My article Why I am Against Freemasonry explains this fully. Here is [READ MORE]

Why I am Opposed to Freemasonry

Why I am Opposed to Freemasonry

March 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Freemasonry is a semi-secret society as it is known and visible to the public. Many important people, from presidents to heads of departments, and prominent businessmen had been Masons. Many of the U.S. founding fathers have been Masons. So they have a reputation. Yet it still holds internal secrets held from [READ MORE]

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

March 17, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The YouTube platform will include links to Wikipedia alongside controversial videos in order to discredit Conspiracy Theories and correct “misinformation.” After videos reached top trending of the Florida Shooting exposing interviewee David Hogg as a “Crisis Actor” and accusing him of being an agent of propaganda, YouTube has proceeded on [READ MORE]

Politics of Deception

Politics of Deception

March 12, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many think politics is legislation of policies for the betterment of society and protection of its citizens. But behind politics is a dirty corrupt staging of the agenda, and swaying politicians to comply with the vast master plan of a New world Order. PLAY EPISODE Your browser does not support [READ MORE]

Luciferian Initiation in Freemasonry

Luciferian Initiation in Freemasonry

March 11, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati is known as the ultimate think-tank for the conspired agenda of a New World Order. It is the initiation into the ideas and instruction for the New World Order under recruit from Secret Societies. One group known for hosting the Illuminati has been the Freemasons. Since the infiltration [READ MORE]

The Illuminati Doctrine

The Illuminati Doctrine

March 11, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati is not a social club or membership organization that outsiders can merely join. Nor is the IlluminatiAm website a true representative of the Ancient Illuminati or even the Bavarian Branch. The Illuminati are those high-level Enlightened bloodlines which contribute to a philosophical ideology of Enlightenment, which is rooted [READ MORE]

Fake Jesus

Fake Jesus

March 10, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Which Jesus do you know? There are variations of Jesus according to which group you have been associated with. A Freemason Jesus, a New Age Jesus, a Catholic Jesus, even an ecumenical Jesus. However, there is only one true Jesus. The others are a fake Jesus. Your browser does not [READ MORE]

Zionists Are Not All Jews

Zionists Are Not All Jews

March 10, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Zionist Movement is misunderstood by Truthers as a Jewish organization. But it is not just Jewish and goes beyond Jewish bloodline. It may be based upon Judaism, however to be more specific Kabbalah occultism, but can be considered secular and has no real loyalty to the Jews. The symbol [READ MORE]