Enoch, Nephilim, Cain, Babylon

Enoch, Nephilim, Cain, Babylon

May 15, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we look at the relationship between Enoch, the Nephilim, the lineage of Cain, and the result of Babylon for the explanation of our culture and influence of false religion, Gnosticism, and all things counter to God. Listen to “Enoch, Nephilim, Cain, Babylon” on Spreaker. Many disputes over [READ MORE]

Pandemic In Perspective | podcast

Pandemic In Perspective | podcast

May 1, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We are weighing out the contradictions that question the pandemic and putting it together for those who still do not see the story behind the agenda. Listen to “Pandemic In Perspective” on Spreaker. We compare COVID with other viruses in its uniqueness. What were the early reports compared with current? [READ MORE]