Your Food is Flavored with Fetal Tissue | Alternative

Fetal Tissue


Has your food been flavored with human tissue? A shocking report comes out of several sources, including and WND that reveal a loophole in the research industry to use fetal tissue for flavoring of certain foods and drinks.

According to experts HEK-293 involves usage of embryonic cells taken from electively aborted babies to produce taste-receptor cells that are appealing to our liking. While the research industry denies that it is used for that purpose, companies doing such research has boasted of its association with the food industry.

Suspicions have raised an issue with food manufacturers. Some in the industry admit using it, though defend that it is not actual fetal tissue, but the culture of them. The ingredients of it used for soft drinks and other foods are carefully disguised under descriptions of “natural flavors,” as well as more synthetic forms calling them “artificial flavors.” However, it is a fact that these additives are ingredients and that the consumers have no idea what is flavoring their food regardless of synthetic alternatives or real cultures of the same material. Why at all is what we would question.

Full Story: Your Food is Flavored with Fetal Tissue | Alternative

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