The Illuminati is not a social club or membership organization that outsiders can merely join. Nor is the IlluminatiAm website a true representative of the Ancient Illuminati or even the Bavarian Branch.
The Illuminati are those high-level Enlightened bloodlines which contribute to a philosophical ideology of Enlightenment, which is rooted in Ancient Illuminated Mystery Religions. They believe Lucifer is the Illuminated one as rightly deserved ruler of the world. It is a Luciferic doctrine.
However, keep in mind that the name we refer Lucifer is a Latin variation of the Hebrew Heylel, who is the Shining One, the Illuminated One, the Light-Bearer. He was a chief angel (messenger) of God until the rebellion. After that he was considered the Adversary of God, referred to as Satan, which is Adversary in Hebrew. Those under his doctrine are considered illuminated, and enlightened. But those who seriously follow his doctrine are called Luciferian.
The doctrine of Lucifer can simply refer to the event in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3) in which the Serpent offered man (through Eve) the way of rebelling God and beating immortality (you shall not die), having knowledge (Gnosticism) of good and evil becoming like gods. And also contributing to the reigning of Lucifer to be in the place of God on the throne of the Most High and weaken the nations (Is 14). Thus is the whole of the plan and worked through Secret Societies of initiates worthy to join the cause (Psalm 2:1-3).
According to William Guy Carr, author of “Pawns in the Game,”
Only Masons who proved themselves Internationalists, and those whose conduct proved they had defected from God, are initiated into the Illuminati. Thus the conspirators used the cloak of philanthropy to hide their revolutionary and subversive activities.
These men have a way of clearing their seered conscious of guilt. By double talk and twisting of meaning, they can seemingly contribute to society while at the same time undermine it. Their motto, “The end justifies the means,” give them motivation to do whatever it takes to make a preferred Utopian paradise for Lucifer.
All in all it is to blind the eyes of those from the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ (2Cor 4:4).