Two dissenting groups came out of England. One were the Puritans, who tolerated the king over the Church of England. The second was the Separatists, who believed the Church of England was corrupt beyond reform and that it could not be repaired. They believed that Jesus only was head of the church and swore no allegiance to the Queen or Bishop.
The Separatists were persecuted by the Queen until James I (the same who ordered the KJV) chased them out of England and Europe entirely. The Separatists who went to America were known as Pilgrims. William Bradford led them to religious freedom in the new land. The group felt a call by God to journey to this land as the new Jerusalem. At the same time Rosicrucian Francis Bacon and the Masons considered the land for the New Atlantis.
Wealthy British merchants came along who financed the venture. This may have been the mistake of the Christians. As they allied with these merchants, these merchants were likely agents of Britain and members of the Secret Societies in which worked their way in by offering financing, as they were sent to spy out the land that the Christians would develop.
The governor Bradford established the system with its first Constitution known as the Mayflower Compact, which was dedicated to God. He experimented with a system of communal exchange, but found that like other places it was attempted, the people who chose less effort only did enough work to qualify for a ration. While the sweat rested on the ones who put in more effort. This unfair system caused a different approach in which each family be given a plot of land to develop their own goods. And then each exchange what they could through trade and purchase with others.
By the 1700s many Secret Societies of Europe made their way to the Colonial America. Manly P. Hall stated that the brotherhoods met in their rooms over inns and in similar buildings practicing their ancient rituals exactly to the fashion as they did in Europe and England.
However, by 1776 the brotherhood of Secret Societies were still massively outnumbered by the Christians. Because of there dominant influence of Christianity, the Masons and other Secret Societies were forced to modify their philosophies, perhaps adopt some of their aspects, to accommodate the Christian faith and its moral ethics. They would eventually weaken the faith by putting up a facade that their beliefs were more like Christianity. Instead of a god of Masonry, they said that Christ is to be “Grand Master” of the Lodges. They used the Bible in its rituals, but only for symbolic purposes of the Craft.
This is the turning point when Christians were likely deceived to allow Masons into its government. The Secret Societies knew it would have to get past Christian ethics and those of faith to bring about their Utopian New Atlantis. But the faith of Christ kept them back. So they slowly infiltrated and then subdued the origin of America for their own interpretation. But had to weasel their members into the Society posing as Christians. The Jesuits were masters at this guise. As the Freemasons learned the same tactics.
The first motto of America was “Life, Liberty, and Property.” But Mason Thomas Jefferson influenced it to read, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This double talk gave leverage for later when Masons would dominate the government, system, and ownership of land and prevent or hinder private ownership, but maintain happiness in pursuit. And much of the Constitution was revised to omit specific references to Christianity that could also be interpreted in double meaning to Freemasons in the freedom of their agenda for their new Atlantis. When one day the Secret Societies would overtake the Christians to rule over the land and change the system to accommodate their Great Plan.
Progressively the Secret Societies have accomplished their task. they weakened the Christian faith from a Theist view to a Deistic interpretation. That way they could also worship their god and change society to accommodate both. And eventually wean out Christian morality the it be left open for the freedom and liberty from Adonay to Lucifer. And subdue the nations to consolidate to One World Government in which the Secret Societies rule.
It took generations to accomplish this task, but they have come to the place now where their influence is dominant. Through leverage in finances, revamping the governmental system, and indoctrinating citizens through their hijacked education and through entertainment venues, as well a religion, they managed to direct society towards their Utopian Society.
America no longer represents the original plan of a nation under God. At least not the God of the Bible.
[Sources: Stills, NWO, p55, Hall, Secret Destiny of America]