Is an alien invasion imminent? Many conspiracy sites warn of such event, some say it will happen as an event of spiritual beings taking over, others that to is the psyop of a fake invasion to bring us to the NWO, others to explain away the “secret rapture.”
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Several predictive programming stunts have tried to condition us for the event. The government has spent funding on looking for extraterrestrial life forms. And the Pope said he would baptize aliens. Trump was supposedly aware of the space wars, but asked not to publish the findings yet.
Many speculations, little proof, and imaginations of some gone wild who want so bad to believe in a mystery fantasy to keep our interest.
However, while these claims can be a bit outlandish, the government has hinted to interest in the concept of alien life forms. NASA petitioned theologians at the Vatican to inquire in aliens to do with Genesis 6. Some at NASA also reported being in contact with aliens, though no evidence surfaced that could substantiate such claims.
Greada Treaty in 1954 Eisenhower supposedly met with Anunnaki. Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retired State Representative to New Hampshire, declared in May 2010 that Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth named Nordics. McElroy also said that the document he viewed while at the State Legislature made reference to the opportunity for Eisenhower to meet the alien visitors, but others say no real documents in the archives. However, they also lack documentation of the cover story that Eisenhower went to visit his dentist at that time.
Royal Society group of researchers known as the UK SETI Research Network (UKSRN) warn that a post-detection policy for contact with aliens will need to defend against the fake news about it. In an exhibition in 2019 they addressed their pursuit of extraterrestrial contact, how they would react to contact, whether or not to respond, course of action, which sources of news to trust about it. Dr Martin Dominik said: “After receiving an initial transmission, weeks, months, or even many years could pass before a substantial message is decoded, but social media could get out of control about it.
Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate head of Israel secret space program Dec 8 2020, said Trump was aware of their interest in contacting aliens but asked not to publish findings yet.
The Pope even mentioned how if an alien life form/martian presented itself on earth, he would be obligated to baptize it. Although then downplayed it said any alien would be a more highly evolved creature of ethical nature not needing redemption.