Some say we are not alone in the universe. They may be correct in a sense. So where do Aliens and ET’s come from and why are they here? We will explore the possibilities and explain some answers.
- Some claim aliens from a far planet: Zeta Reticuli, Pleiades, or Nibiru
- Vatican admits will baptize them
- Anunnaki interpretation of Zacharia Sitchen different from Sumerian language scholars
- The Nephilim theory, Sons of God
In my research, I have found that those claiming to have a physical close encounter eventually had a telepathic communication with these beings thereafter. They were channeled in to their frequency. How is it that the physical creature can surpass the physical after the initial contact, then continue telepathically through mind communication?
Some suggest that the initial contact must be made physically to make the person aware and open to the future contact psychologically. Yet, this is the same method necessary for channeling spirits, or demonic entities. The person must be aware, but also give permission approval of the initiating spirit.
So this is one relevance that aliens may be spiritual creatures and not just physical beings. And able to use supernatural means in connecting with their victim or host. In some cases, the entity was known for telling the host to reject Jesus. Why do aliens have a threat of Jesus? because they are not what we think.
Source: Aliens and ET’s Where They Come From | Jim Duke Perspective