Take a pill for this, take a pill for that. The medical industry is quick to just prescribe for every ail of the human body, whether it be physical symptoms, viruses, or even emotional conditions. But the side affects are just as frightening as the symptoms in which the medications are prescribed for in the first place and lead to further development of problems. So why are they so promoted and administrated? Are they somehow even manufacturing sickness to make us dependent on the system for the cure? We expose the whole pharma industry on this episode.
The pharmaceutical industry has created a monopoly of medicines, leading away from homeopathic remedies to synthetic forms of natural products that can be sold for extremely high profits. However, we know this is to keep the medical industry in control of the human body for the Elite bankers like the Rockefellers, who made their wealth in this racket, as well as create an enslavement for dependency of the Elite. The industry was founded on the exploitation of disease and illness, making natural cures forbidden as the acceptable remedy, and making you dependent on them for your health survival.
The Rockefellers (Racketfellers) who started Standard Oil became the modern promoters of the pharmaceutical developers. They partnered with other bankers and innovative families to monopolize the medical industry and create chemicals to synthesize into drugs to administer through their controlled industry.
Rockefeller established the University of Chicago in 1889, by offering a benevolent funding to get it running, therefore having control over its directors and teachers. He also founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Rsearch in 1901, which is simply Rockefeller University. His founding and funding of institutes ensured control entry over the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and education.
The bankers organized corporations to develop drugs. Those involved, from the Rockefellers, to Warburgs, to I.G. Farben, and Metz at Winthrop Industry, as well as chemical developers, all brought together their innovation knowledge and influence to develop this Big Pharma industry. CEOs of these companies also crossed over into political positions, as well as even some as directors of the Federal Reserve. So the bankers had full control, using agencies, Foundations as cover to fund the colleges, and Rockefellers influenced agents were members of the boards of the medical associations.
Psychological chemicals were used in mind control experiments of MKULTRA, which has been the influence in research and development of our modern day psychiatric drugs. Looking for truth serum by OSS/CIA director Bill Donovan. These experiments used live humans as lab rats first on individuals, then on humanity, at the same time profiting off the illness by developing their own synthesized formulas as remedies, only to sell their product, and to make it a monopoly as the only cure.
The psychiatric field. also controlled, in league with the pharmaceuticals have conspired to make Pharma the only remedy. What doesn’t get soothed by the psychiatrics, gets prescribed through the pharmaceuticals.
Lobotomy was the ancient method of dealing with mental illness by chaining up the mentally unstable, then performing surgery to remove part of the brain. Modern times still perform, only the lobotomies are done through chemicals that sedate parts of the brain of the patient. There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. There is no way to measure a chemical imbalance, so this is a fraud by the industry to gain a perception. The medication is merely administrated to test chemicals one way or another until the desires result is acquired.
Today the government is legislating mandated vaccines, furthering their control over the input into our bodies, whether we like it or not. And even though the reports of consequences of these toxins going into our children, and some studies linking it to autism and other diseases, the medical industry in league with our government ignore the petition against it and still push the requirement.
The medical field with influence of the Rockefellers shifted the emphasis and control from homeopathy to pharmacy. The drug industry is controlled by a Rockefeller medical monopoly through directors of pharmaceutical boards. Control over the American College of Surgeons that maintain the monopolies over hospitals through the Hospital Survey Committee, managed by his partners, even the AMA.
-According to Harry H Moore who published “American Medicine and the People’s health “ in 1927
Also setting up his partners in charge of insurances, hospitals, and nursing. To set up a system to distribute medical care and insurance to pay for it. In other words, this is a big racket. And those involved are devils performing modern day sorcery.
Revelation 18:23,24 is about sorcery in the prophetic times. Sorcery is pharmekia in the Greek.