In this episode my guest Bishop Larry Gaiters presents a different perspective of history in regard with a lesser known Secret Society called the Boule Society that many don’t know exist. He exposes this group that serves as Gatekeepers of the Black Community for the Global Luciferian Illuminati Order.
We discuss the occult, Satanic rituals in the popular celebrity circles, the deliberate suppression of the Black Community orchestrated to serve the Elite, the conspiracy behind Kobe Bryant and Labron James, and the many contributors to this Society.
This Secret Society involve many in the Black Community to entice them as gatekeepers of the sectors of society they are assigned to monitor. Our guest explains the significance of this group and why some will turn on their own people to bow down to the Elite puppetmasters who control the systems of the world.
Larry explains the rituals involved, the perverted acts required, and the process in which some contribute in order to remain in the secondary Elite circles that serve the Oligarchy.
Bishop Larry Gaiters is host of GLOBAL SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION RADIO MEDIA GROUP in New York City, serving The Christian Conservative Counter-Culture Nationally & Internationally Syndicated Radio Broadcast Through The iHeart Radio Network – The iHeart Media Group & The Life Radio 92.9 FM 1460 AM Network. He serves to expose the darkness and free the Community from its oppression of darkness.