Clint Richardson, Bioweapons and COVID | podcast

Clint richardson
Clint Richardson graphic borrowed from FreemanTV

In this episode Clint Richardson joins us to discuss the biological weapon experiments with the Gain of Function research and how it has impacted COVID. He exposes the players as well as the agenda. We listen to his take on this pandemic.

Listen to “Clint Richardson, Bioweapons and COVID” on Spreaker.

In this episode researcher Clint Richardson exposes the element in COVID that constitutes as a bioweapon based on Gain of Function research. He describes why calling it COVID is a cover for what it is: SARS2, a variation of SARS1 with the pathogen additive.

Clint doesn’t make the distinction whether it was a deliberate unleashing on society or accidental, but he has suspicions and certainly knows it is being used to propagate the flu pandemic for a worldwide agenda.

He links Fauci with involvement in this taking the defunded Gain of Function research for bioweapon agents over to Wuhan labs for further experimentation in 2013.

Clint claims that viruses natural to the environment are not the cause of infection spreadable human to human, but that the lab research tampering with such viruses creates the highly toxic pathogen that has been exposed to the public that causes these spreadable conditions.

Whether you agree that this is a bioweapon, or just a hyped propaganda of the normal flu, Clint makes some points to consider in our understanding what is upon us.

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