In this episode we discuss the facts about this virus supposedly originating in Wuhan China at a seafood place. What isn’t government telling us about the COVID-19? Here is everything you need to know.
What we know is that it attacks the immune system and is a respiratory disease like pneumonia and is highly contagious, It is similar to Swine Flu. The reports are a few hundred in the u.S. with less than a dozen confirmed cases to date. But is it a real pandemic as what we are being told?
We have many more cases with the normal flu, but this is for some reason a hysteria. Coronavirus is actually quite common. It is this new strain nCOVID-19 that many are concerned with because it attacks the respiratory and has led to deaths rapidly.
The U.S. holds a patent to this virus, under the CDC, as well as it does other viruses.
Some suspect it has a connection to 5G that attacks the immune system. 5G has gone virtually untested with these targeted places a test sites. 5G works on frequencies with increased microwave waves and can attack the body with radiation.
We know our lack of nutrients and intake of sugars contribute to our vulnerability. Perhaps a healthy diet can defeat against it.
Iran has accused U.S. of a deliberate biological warfare against the economy of China. We have reports on that as well.
Dr. Berg