COVID Absorbs other illnesses into Fake Diagnosis

We have a situation in society. Normal illnesses are superseded by COVID, including the average flu that used to have a normal average deaths rate of 36,000 to 50,000 in the U.S. alone, reaching as high as responsible for 80,000 deaths that now is virtually nonexistent. What we find upon searching the illness categories, seeing the decreased value in other illnesses is that the numbers of them have been blurred and absorbed in COVID. If one is sick and tested, the antibodies will likely show as the body generating immunity, but if exaggerated as the COVID tests are would expectantly appear on the chart to measure a COVID illness. With that everyone getting sick has a potential of labeled COVID even if the original reason for the doctor visit was something else.

Do the experts see a problem in this? No because they use the case for agenda. The death rate claimed for COVID would show a peak well above the past average, yet the rate hasn’t changed much in relative terms. This proves COVID is no more a threat than any other year before the claimed pandemic when COVID was not known.

Therefore that is why I would claim this is a fake pandemic using a fake label for illness. It creates hysteria and potential for social control. Why do they need everyone to have a vaccine? We shall see the apparent progression to something else after the sheep have been conditioned.

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