Dispensation Pretribulation Rapture Clock Expired

The Rapture

According to the teaching of many churches, a Dispensation period from when Israel became a nation would set off a time-clock for a soon coming 7 Year Tribulation at the expiration, preceded by a Rapture of the church (believers of Jesus Christ), who would be spared of the whole 7 years of tribulation meant for the children of Israel to accept Messiah.

Israel became a nation documented on May 14, 1948. Some teach that this fulfilled a prophecy of the “times of the Gentiles” that the prophetic time-clock began ticking towards an end time fulfillment of the generation that would precede a 7 year Tribulation time, that the church will not be present for because it will experience a rising in the air unto a secret “rapture” prior to the revealing of Antichrist and the tribulation.

A generation in the Bible can be interpreted as 40 years. After that time passed, it became the timespan of a life of 70 years. Calculating the initiation of Israel as a nation on May 14, 1948 would have kicked off the tribulation in 1988, as many calculated at that time. When 40 years passed in 1988, another interpretation required to be made to fit the doctrine. Thus a generation was recalculated as 70 years. This would extend the interpretation justification  until at least on May 14, 2018. When did the rapture occur? It DIDN’T.

The Dispensation Pretribulation doctrine was popularized by Scofield in the late 1800s. Scofield presented the Pretribulation Doctrine influenced by John Darby in 1830 that was influenced by Edward Irving, who took the concept from a Jesuit Rabbi named Manuel Lacunza. Scofield presented his notes in a study Bible using the KJV, with footnotes indoctrinating the Dispensation view. It is actually reported that Scofield was inspired to regard the Alexandrian Critical Texts introduced by Westcott and Hort (an occultist)  in 1881, but they were not popular enough to use for his text.

The time-clock has expired and NO Rapture occurred. Now that the date has passed, will many expose and abandon the Scofield doctrine of Pretribulation Rapture? There is sure to begin justification to why it didn’t match up. Instead of re-examining it, many will just ignore it and continue to predict dates of a RAPTURE and 7 year Tribulation with the saving of Israel pushing the lie further sometime in the future.

Sorry Dispensationalists. I encourage believers to re-examine scripture to see what you missed. The Dispensation Pretribulation Rapture Doctrine is a lie and has run its course. Should Christians abandon all they have been taught on this, or will they continue to defend it with other interpretations and missed predictions?

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