Many throw out terms after reading a few entries on the Internet, and think themselves experts. They make accusations with bold assumptions they have mistaken for fact. One such statement recently claims Donald Trump is a Jesuit, and a Jesuit puppet.
When we make assumptions, we have to be sure to have enough facts to speculate. Not just throw out accusations based on a few connections. We do not want to be misunderstood or hasty as that will land us discredit. But do we have enough breadcrumbs on Donald Trump to make such accusations?
Trump attended a few Jesuit Universities in his college years. He attended Fordham University for a couple of years before transferring to Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, another Jesuit influenced education. That alone does not make one a Jesuit. Attending a Jesuit University for a couple of years does not necessarily make one a Jesuit-educated ordained priest of the Jesuits necessarily. However, is it enough for him to have been Jesuit indoctrinated or influenced? Or perhaps is he a Jesuit agent?
Trump DOES have influence of Jesuits surrounding him. Not only did he attend Jesuit Universities, but his children are also involved in Jesuit Universities and education. Ivanka attended Jesuit University Georgetown for a time before transferring to Wharton as her father. Eric attended Georgetown University and became boardmember at Georgetown. So what does this have to do with Donald Trump to make him a Jesuit?
Trump may not be an ordained Jesuit agent. He could be. But regardless, he can have enough influence or triggers to be accused of as a “Jesuit-puppet.” That may be more on track and easier to assume. Trump has several members of his administration who are Jesuit-educated or influenced. His children served boards. And Trump is good friends with Jesuit Cardinal Dolan. Jesuit influence is all around. Even his newest nominee for Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, has Jesuit education. Saying that, it is certainly true that the Jesuits are powerful and plant their influence in governments from the inside. The position of President does have Jesuit-controlling factors and Vatican has a huge influence in politics. So anyone in the position Trump is likely to have Jesuit influence. It is just a matter if he will break the strongholds. The Jesuits also mastered assassination for those who go rogue (Kennedy for one).