Entertainment Industry Exposed

celebrities at party
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Hollywood Victims, or Participants?

Exposing the Industry and how it operates behind the scenes. You would NOT believe it.

People say we should feel sorry for those in the entertainment field abused, used, and victims of harassment and Satanic Ritual Abuse. However, performers are well aware of the balance and the consequences of their choice. And some put themselves there. Others have been thrown in by family grooming, not even knowing the difference. Their parents being handlers of the industry themselves. They need prayer.

Going in, a performer has been targeted, chosen, and approved for recruit into the industry. Sometimes by family ties, parental connections to military complex, Intel agencies, and Secret Societies, or having bloodline relations. Some groomed for the industry. But no one makes stardom level unless some connection has been pre-determined.

The artist or entertainer is aware of the road ahead. They are given offers, enticed for further promise of success, and given the ultimatum. They must make a conscious choice to totally be absorbed by the industry and REALLY REALLY want it. They are dangled material enticements in front of them, and warned in order to keep them and be popular, they must surrender everything and submit to the suggestions of management (handlers).

It has been said that the person is made to confirm he or she has “sold their soul to the devil.” While a popular cliche, it is quite literal, and not just a figurative idea. It has been said that a person must strip of themselves anything they cherish, family, friends, even spouses if married, and make this verbal confession if one wants to become a celebrity. Several videos of celebrities reciting this proves it.

The person is “anointed” through parties to make connections, that are fronts for rituals and occult practices. Some are thrown into the network of wolves and being vulnerable to sexual abuse and Satanic ritual in order to exchange it for success. At this point, the person MUST seer his own conscience, surrender his own identity, and be allowed to become pliable. This is the turning point that the person has voluntarily participated in this lifestyle. There is sometimes even a Satanic sacrifice done in order to secure the person’s decision. Many first-born children are sacrificed (reported as some means of death). Or a family member taken. The ritual party is done simultaneously as the action is in progress (called “Snuff Parties.”). The O.T.O. is often involved (Aleister Crowley organization). This is an Illuminati practice, who control the industry. They control ALL entertainment industries (even Christian).

In order to cope, the celebrity may turn to drugs, and become mentally ill. So of course the “industry doctors” are ready on call to provide “psychiatric counsel.” This is a front for mind control programming that puts the person in a state of altered personalities (alters, multiple personalities, etc). Sometimes facing trauma-based mind control techniques (called “Monarch Programming). Ex-CIA asset and military agent Michael Aquino is involved in this through his organization, the Temple of Set, a Satanic ritual group that conducts pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse. The public persona of the victim (celebrity) becomes a front, and their real personality is fragmented and suppressed by such trauma.

When the celebrity breaks down, they are considered unstable and taken off the public scene (Brittany Spears, Moriah Carey, Kanye West, Lindsey Lohan, Katy Perry), until “rehabilitated,” a professional term for reprogramming. They get “cleaned” and may return.

If they do not respond to their programming, or they resist, they are cast aside, discredited, stripped of all success, or even killed. Some of the “has-been” performers who resist or become stagnant sometimes become victims of the Satanic ritual sacrifice. Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, Prince, and Whitney Houston were some examples. Michael Jackson was revealing the industry and its control. He was given an overdose of prescriptions. As was Prince, in which his was actually switched with what he was supposed to be taking. Williams’ death was played out as simulated in his acting role. Whitney drowned in a bathtub while a Grammy party was happening on the floor below. (Few people know Whitney’s daughter drowned in the very SAME tub the night before, but recovered in the hospital and she attended the party the next night.)

This is the truth behind the industry we get our entertainment. Certainly pray for people who have been victimized in this industry, but know that some chose it, as their consent to Satan has been contracted and agreed. No, they are not doomed forever. They can have it revoked by the blood of Jesus Christ if they turn to Him. But if you are offered fame, KEEP AWAY. And instead seek the Lord Jesus Christ.

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