Social media is a great communication platform. However, it has a devious side that is intended to capture your attention and occupy all your time. Many rely on this social media platform and the world is now accustomed to it. Those who don’t have it may be cautious, but considered primitive, even out of touch. Access to computer and hand-held devices made it available to every person, child, and dog. Is this purposeful to occupy our lives and use our algorithms to dictate our thoughts? Have people become bold and arrogant using this virtual avatar as a front?
Listen to “Facebook Dangers” on Spreaker.
Facebook provides a boldness that people would not have if they weren’t hiding behind a keyboard. They say things they wouldn’t in public or to your face.
Facebook breeds narcissism. It creates need for attention and focus on self. It makes one offended when not given the attention they desire.
Facebook consumes time. Its CEO Sean Parker admitted Zuckerberg’s intention was to consume all your time. It appeases our flesh with pleasure.
Facebook causes division and anger. Response requires reaction to accusations, causes separation of relationships, and disunity.
Facebook provides a platform for trolls who seek to better themselves or sooth insecurities with gaslighting and slander putting others down.
Facebook stirs arrogance of people boasting themselves in pridefulness using the forum to push their agenda. Everyone wants to be a philosopher.
Facebook provides an opportunity for propaganda. The official narrative can fuel through the platform and feed misinformation, false teachings, and other alternative falsehoods.
Facebook has been used for Psyops to trigger reaction for control. Intel agencies are tied in with the platform.
Facebook binds us to the virtual world to enslave us through our devices lending to the destruction of society.