What was the true faith of the Founding Fathers who were involved in shaping America? We have been told that many were devout Christians, while some insignificant members may have been Freemasons. However, you will be shocked to find out that isn’t true and is probably just the opposite. In this episode we examine the founding fathers and what they believed in their private life according to letters, documents, and testimonies of others.
We will look at Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, and Congressional Secretary at the time, Charles Thomson, the man responsible for the final design of the Great Seal of the United States. He admitted that the people had a false perception, but that it was important for the people to remain deceived.
We also examine the alternative explanation of the terms in the founding documents from a Masonic perspective that often uses Christian terminology as a cloak of their esoteric meaning.
Christian historians like David Barton have taken liberty with the information they have received and have taken the journals out of context to make the founders appear what they were not. It would be like today knowing the intent of Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi and saying 100 years from now that they must have been Christian by some things they said in favor of Christianity.
We have to side with truth and examine it from a perspective of what the founders were involved with at the time. That’s what this episode will do.