The premise of this episode was to highlight the current crisis and then to illustrate how despite it we can still have gratitude towards God because our reliance is not upon this world itself.
Listen to “Gratitude In Crisis” on Spreaker.
In this episode we discuss the election and voter fraud possibilities looking back at the incident with Clint Curtis, voter machine programmer, who testified in court that voter machines are not only vulnerable to tampering, but have been in certain elections. He explains how they are hacked, how a code or codes can make ANY outcome they desire, and how even if known it is undetectable unless you know what you are looking for. Not only that the code can “eat itself” to disappear leaving it undetectable. Yet people still insist there IS NO fraud.
We look at COVID test inaccuracies and how the numbers have been over-exaggerated. The masks prevent emotional communication and strip of individual identity.
We will explain how Atheism and paganism have similarities in that they do not regard one true God nor give him reverence, but worship nature. Both are Satanism if you understand what true Satanism really means.
Despite the crisis, if one doesn’t regard the God Creator, that person rejects reverence to the one who created mankind and all tat exists, and merely offer their gratitude towards an inanimate universe having no personal form. Man becomes one with nature, yet denies the Creator.
Romans 1 is the essence of this. Worship the creation rather than the Creator.