In this episode we take a look at the fight for Independence and the battle between the Secret Societies for control. Freemasons claim the land for their New Atlantis. The Illuminati have had it in their sights for a Luciferian Utopia. And both seem to persist at different angles towards similar goals. Are Freemasons the rightful owners of America and have us in our best interest, while the Luciferians want to devour us? Or do both work towards a slow convergence for a peace and harmony under their agenda? We take a brief examination through historical dates leading to the current conditions.
The year 1776 marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence for America from Great Britain. The year of 1776 rings in our ears for freedom after victory in the American Revolutionary War. If not for those who fought for America and its thirteen colonies, the New World may have been also claimed by the British. But another battle seemed to wail at the same time and that year has another coinciding significance. And this between the Secret Societies for control over the government of the United States of America, as well as the rest of the world.
While 1776 marks the year of Independence, it also marks the founding of a major influential group, the initiation of the Illuminati. On May 1, 1776 founder Adam Weishaupt established a thinktank of intellects that would have ambitions to abolish monarchies and all governments and religions of the world to claim it for their Order, the Ancient Illuminates Seers of Bavaria, also known as the Bavarian Illuminati, simply known as the Illuminati.
This group stirred conflict to start wars and revolutions to cause friction to nations and subdue it in the chaos. Their first experiment was the French Revolution. They have been notably behind every war and revolution since. Many believe the Freemasons to be an innocent gentlemen network who came to the aid of society to hold back this group and lead society towards a benevolent Utopia.
Freemasonry had in mind to escape Royal government control and its monarchies for a land in which Freemasonry would freely be allowed expression without resistance. In the meantime Christians fled the persecution of Europe that either suppressed them by The Church of Rome under the Pope of Vatican, or the Church of England under the King. Many fled the continent to discover a new world. And many with them joined to spy out the land and report its progress.
When we consider the Royal family were of a Secret Society of Masons and Rosicrucians under the Protestant guise, and the Jesuits a Secret Society under the Vatican Roman Catholic guise, it can easily be understood both had a bias towards their Secret Society. The Illuminati claimed to despise both Protestantism and Catholicism. Yet had members of both within its ranks, its founder being an ex-Jesuit from youth. The Illuminati took on oaths and rituals similar with ancient Freemasonry, while adopting devious and deceptive tactics of the Jesuits. So it became blurry where one ended, and the other began.
Weishaupt slipped into Freemasonry in 1777. In it he indoctrinated many members and used the Secret Society as a recruiting agency for his higher Order. By 1782 it was indistinguishable where Freemasonry and Illuminism split. And eventually where it differed.
Some researchers write that Freemasonry is the hero and that it is the Illuminati that countered their plans for benevolence. They state that all our research about the founding fathers and their Masonic connections are over-exaggerated, because they were only guarding us from the influence of the Illuminati. And they defend that the founders were devout Christians and godly men.
They say it was the Illuminati accounts that discredit the Christian founding fathers like Washington, Jefferson, and Hancock, who they admit were in fact Masons, and claim that Freemasonry was portrayed as good before it became contaminated by Illuminati influence and criticism. And also Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine were viewed by these researchers as good-hearted godly man collaborating with the others to establish a benevolent American Government. And their agenda to bring liberty, freedom, and independence to America.
However, we see in the plan of the founding fathers for America to establish Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis under Freemasonry. This is documented in a Masonic book called Secret Destiny of America by high ranking Mason Manly P. Hall. In it he describes the purpose for America to Freemasons to become the Masonic headquarters under the supposed ancient site of Atlantis for a New Atlantis Utopia. Defenders don’t dispute that. They regard Freemasonry as innocent and beneficial for society, only having to hide in the shadows because of Illuminati propaganda.
One article admits that some of those Freemason Lodges were originally set up in Europe and then exported to the Thirteen Colonies where they established safe havens to plot against the British military. And that the founders of America set out as Freemasons in independence against the Royal Government to establish Bacon’s New Atlantis.
The defenders also admit the esoteric beliefs. This period of development was followed by Saint Germain in the 1700s whose formal establishment of Freemason lodges in France was critical to the birthing of the American Republic. In esoteric circles Saint Germain is known not only as the patron saint of the United States of America, he is also acknowledged to be Father of the American Republic. On July 4, 1776, this mysterious stranger Saint Germain, whose name nobody knew, suddenly appeared in Independence Hall and delivered a stirring address. Germain introduced the idea that led to the concept of the Great White Brotherhood. Germain is considered the de facto leader of the Great White Brotherhood, which is considered the schools and fraternity of the Great White Lodge.
Those in esoteric circles view the Great White Brotherhood as Ascended Masters of ancient ancestors of Atlantis who will be summoned to guide us towards peace. The ideas have been promoted through Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy, Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn, Lucis Trust, and the United Nations. Today it is introduced through New Age.
Some inconsistencies arise to questions. Did the Freemasons oppose the Royal monarchies, or did the Queen support the voyage to the New World? Did the Freemasons rival the Illuminati, or did they have a secret pact that each converged into the agenda for the New World Order? Maybe the Illuminati simply used this venture to await the establishment because they knew they would eventually infiltrate with their plans.