Genesis 10 records the son of Noah, Ham who had a son Cush, who had a son Nimrod. Through this seed came rebellion and false religion.
Nimrod could have been considered a prideful narcissist who had the power of becoming a god and worshipped by men as such. The Bible describes him as a “Mighty Hunter,” which in that context means a warrior against the oracles of God Almighty, the God of heaven. He attempted to build a tower in the valley of Shinar to reach “the heavens,” meaning that he would sit atop IN the heavens in the place of God to be LIKE God (Genesis 11).
The Tower was an attempt to be like God and build a name for themselves, a mighty name that united the world as one against God of heaven, and a convergence in commerce, social life, education, politics, government, and religion. However, the Bible accounts for God stopping the project and confusing the language of the workers that they could not communicate, thus slowing down their progress. If he hadn’t intervenes, they would have gone in wicked rebellion immediately and have destroyed themselves.
So the language barrier ceased the project and it resulted in an incomplete ziggurat. This became a unique symbol into today. The people were dispersed into various nations according to their language and made borders to separate them to prevent uniting as one against God and speeding up the rebellion that would come to an end too soon.
The name of the place, that once was considered the “Gate of God,” was now referred to as “Babel,” meaning “confusion.” The city became a model for the future symbolism of united rebellion against God and called “Babylon.”
Nimrod was the founder and originator of Stone Masonry, according to Freemasons. It was noted that Nimrod also worshipped the Sun as his source of light and power, forming Babylonian Sun Worship (though not referred as Babylonian at the time). Freemasons intend to bring that spirit back in the New World Order, which is why an All-Seeing Illuminated Eye is used to represent their quest, with an unfinished pyramid. Of course, this also is rooted in Egyptian imagery of the Eye of Horus image that was interchangeable with the Babylonian context.
Other spiritual religions of esoteric knowledge also regard Nimrod a worthy founder of Gnosticism and freedom for uniting the people as one. He presents the closest image of the Sun God, which may be a personification of Lucifer through him.
The European poster developed for the European Union presents this symbolism in its imagery AND in its slogan, “Many Tongues, One Voice.” The plan is for Mystery Babylon to be a reality in legislation promoted by World Councils, managed by the United Nations, and spiritually guided by Lucis Trust.
The object is not to present “Babylon”, but to reverse Babylon that the people are no longer divided, no longer confused in communication, but are united in its efforts against God. However, God will be lifting his restraint and allowing their fulfillment in the End Times to come under the Beast and fulfill HIS will (Revelation 17). And bringing the completion of the world in its necessary judgment after ALL that He desires to inherit His kingdom come in.