The Economist Magazine in 1988 predicted the reset for a world currency for 2018. The Economist is published by the wealthy Rothschild bankers who control a large portion of finances of the world including guardians of the Vatican treasury. They plan a digital currency of some kind.
It would take a great crisis to pull this off, one that would get the attention of the world. But how could that come without the bloodshed of war?
Well, think of this. Create a pandemic of some kind that would cripple nations individually, but corporately. One could use the efforts of the experiments of the past century to develop some bioweapon. In the very least, certainly by the banking Elitists’ control over media a perception of threat could be possible, but it would have to be convincing enough that it appears genuine.
David Rockefeller once stated something like, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” Of course, this was leaked from a 1991 Bilderberg meeting, so you can understand why Snopes and other controlled opposition would discredit such saying. Especially when the Bilderberg meetings were still silent and denied back then. Today it is not only admitted, but their agenda is posted on their website.
Consider that David Rockefeller wrote in his biography Memoirs, “Some believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Rockefeller is tied with Global interests for global government as stated in these paragraphs. May I remind you it was Rockefeller who created the Big Pharma industry responsible for vaccines. But to bring all under a NWO using global crisis is their thing. You tell me this is just a natural uncontrollable mysterious flu and I will tell you that you have been blinded by their psyops.
The Rothschilds had been preparing the world for this reset. They (the Elite Bankers) issued requirements in 1999 for banks to comply with digital technology in 2000. And any banks not fully compliant by 2002 would face fines or fees. The system is set in place, just that it needs a formal changeover for acceptance and reason for all to comply. As of recent years, some countries still resist Rothschild Central banks, like North Korea, Iran, and Syria. If they haven’t already given in.