In the conspiracy world an assumed government program called Project Blue Beam is suspected of being responsible for many happenings in the world via laser satellite technology. It has been assumed this program exists. However, when looking into it I find nothing documented to such a program and that even the title may have been from the suspicions of one journalist. We examine the evidences to see the possibility of this claim.
Listen to “Project Blue Beam: Fact or Fiction?” on Spreaker.
This does not mean the idea is not possible or that the government is not using this technology. but I found that the term was given by a conspiracy theory rather than a documented program named under NASA.
We discuss the root accusation by Serge Monast and the theory he posed. We talk about the use of laser beams that could project holographic images. We also discuss the involvement of the New Age and how the United Nations is a Luciferian agency promoting initiation into the New World Order.