The Pope is hinting to disclosing his belief of Extraterrestrial Life, which could create a scenario for a false flag alien invasion (just speculation). Bilderberg Group highlights revealed. And the possibilities of Jade Helm, as well as scenarios leading to September 2015, including Agenda 21 in hypermode.
Pope and the Alien Invasion
The Pope has hinted that he is disclosing the truth of what the Vatican believes about aliens and ETs. He admitted IF they were real, he would grant them baptism. Even though the director of the Vatican Observatory admitted that the Vatican DID in fact accept the idea of alien life in outer space and that the ETs were of a higher moral character not needing redemption.
Bilderberg Highlights
The Bilderbergs met for their annual meeting of the minds. In this session it is likely they talked about the ID chip, global economy and the coming crash as well as cashless currency, and the choice of Hillary Clinton for 2016 Presidential nominee (as the fixed choice).
Jade Helm 15
The military drill starting July 15 and ending September 15, possibly has a third purpose. Speculation that it is preparing for controlling civil unrest in a World War III situation, or possibly by other climactic events that chaos may occur. Martial Law may be a possibility. And it is an opportune time for Elitists to detain dissenters and whistle blowers.
7 Scenarios leading to September 2015
The US Congress may pass a bill on legalizing gay marriage.
End of a Jewish 7 year period that sometimes affects the stock market.
The 70th UN General Assembly may include a radical form of Agenda 21 that will ramp up depopulation.
An Asteroid is speculated by observers to come uncomfortably close to the earth, but NASA has rejected any urgency.