Several events point to a September 2015 climax. Jade Helm 15 comes to an end, the Pope visits Washington and NYC, signs in the sky, and CERN to restart soon. All indicating a time of possible chaos as several sectors converge.
September 15 – Training drill ends.
After getting attention, the officials had to answer to what they were intending. Their import of weapons gave suspicion to their purpose. Some suspect another intention. That it may be a front for preparing for Martial Law. Could it be the gathering of dissenters and a depopulation?
The training is more likely preparation to control civil unrest and domestic chaos.
Closing of 5 or so Walmart stores in the US. Walmart and Target are compliant agents for government staging and distribution of supplies in the time of emergency. They will work with DHS and FEMA as official areas.
Coincides with the convening of the 70th general assembly of the UN. Perhaps will bring in the new direction? UN vehicles also seen shipped into the US.
September 23 – Visits with Obama
September 24 – Visits with US Congress
September 25 – Visits with UN
Despite Separation of Church and State, this will unite both religion and politics with a message of peace and world safety.
The UN is operating as a front for Universalism, which has been devised under New Age Theosophy, which is man reaching divinity, but the most Elite as the worthy rulers having Ascended knowledge. The knowledge is Illumination, which is what is considered “the light.” UN declared 2015 “Year of the Light.” While giving public persona that it means energy and lights, it is a code word for enlightenment. The Light is given by the Light-bearer, who is Lucifer. They intend it for an enlightenment, a Luciferian awareness, a spiritual birthing as Lucifer represents the Light.
Pope also hinted to the possibility of alien ETs. While he didn’t quite disclose it, he made his position known that IF a possibility, he would consider baptizing into Catholicism. Even though Vatican Observatory President Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno made a bold statement on behalf of the Vatican and their stance on alien life. Claims they are of a higher moral development and not needing redemption. The Pope has been preparing the possibility that life out there will be found. Some suspect the officials will disclose some info on their position.
September 28
Last of tetrads of red moon Total Lunar Eclipse.
Falling on the Jewish Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles.
BUT not seen in the Middle East, so is it significant?
September 13 a Total Solar Eclipse.
Some rumor that an asteroid will get uncomfortably close on September 24. NASA denied this as truth. BUT it could give way to a false flag and Elitists using it to stir chaos.
Joel 2, Rev 12 – Sun will be blackened and the moon turned to blood.
On May 13, 2014, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned that we need to act on the Climate Control issue to avoid a catastrophe in 500 days. Doing the math, the date calculates to Sept 25 2015. Fabius and US Secretary of State John Kerry stated that life will change after that time.
September 11 – banking holiday
We don’t know what that means, but it could render the banks inactive for a couple of weeks. The global economy is threatened to collapse by experts and World Banking managers, such as BIS director Jaime Caruana. This could trigger fear and chaos.
Several Elitists are protecting their finances with hedges, the banks have instituted a “BAIL IN” in which can claim the protection of its depositors as its liquidity. That would seize all assets from flowing as they have the first right to the amounts of currency from debtors and depositors. This may act as an economic reset by Elitists (who never really lose). This may cause a ripple and an uproar, possible chaos. But something will need to reinforce it to justify it. The Elite have a saying “ORDO AB CHAO” which they will offer comfort and security by forcing dependence on them for a solution.
The Large Hadron Collider, known as CERN is planned to be restarted soon. It may be planned for September, but it may be sooner as scientists involved are anxious to see what will happen. The experiments to recreate a “big bang” failed. But scientists plan on discovering the “glue” that holds together matter, zapping protons, accelerating them to collision, and playing with nature. They are trying to separated the antimatter, called black matter, to see what it is. They are using magnetic energy to create black holes and open up portals to see what is in it. Some state that it could do is open up some sort of portal to a demonic abyss.
Prof. Tara Shears, a particle physics professor from the University of Liverpool, stated, “I can’t wait for the switch-on. We’ve been waiting since January 2013 to have our proton beams back.” Added, “So instead of trying to test the truth of this theory, what we really want to do now is break it – to show where it stops reflecting reality. That’s the only way we’re going to make progress.”
This can open up into other dimensions, some predict. Opening realms man is not supposed to open. Opening spiritual Stargates into the supernatural, an abyss.
Rev 9 – Angel, who is Abaddon or Apollyon, given the key to the bottomless pit, opening the portal to a demonic realm.
Its no wonder the facility and machine is decorated with images of the Hindu god of destruction, Shiva, and has been nicknamed Apollyon. This is a technological ritual of witchcraft and magick through a machine.
Perhaps Jade Helm 15 is preparation for such chaos. Whether these events are real, such as the environmental, or staged to push us towards accepting an agenda, we know they are opportunities. And it could be excuse for the New World Order. Also a good time to rally the “dissenters.” Then finally the Elite can usher in their Luciferian Planetary Initiation.