Ghislaine Maxwell and Aleister Crowley

Ghislaine Maxwell and Aleister Crowley

January 8, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

You may think this a far reaching connection made, but hear me out. I share similarities with them and the Illuminati who use sexual abuse for enticement and bribery, as well as Elite rituals. The operation of Jeffrey Epstein’s resort and Ghislaine Maxwell’s role certainly have used the same tactics [READ MORE]

Finders Cult, Satanic Ritual Abuse | podcast

Finders Cult, Satanic Ritual Abuse | podcast

December 22, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the recently disclosed FBI files revealing a group called the “Finder’s Cult” that was involved in child trafficking and abuse of children under official protection of the CIA and members of the government around the time of the Franklin case. This goes to connections with [READ MORE]

Franklin Files Child Sex Scandal | podcast

Franklin Files Child Sex Scandal | podcast

August 12, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we resurface the child sex scandal involving Executive of the Franklin Credit Union Larry King, who used his position to solicit politicians to have sex with boys from the Boys Town Institution, as well as funding child trafficking for the Elite. This scandal may have been forgotten, [READ MORE]

Hollywood Satanic Sex Rituals

Hollywood Satanic Sex Rituals

October 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Several claim have been exposed of Hollywood abusers in the industry. Harvey Weinstein is a recent case as a predator. But several others also confirm this as an industry standard of sexual abuse, homosexuality, Hollywood sex parties, and occult rituals. Your browser does not support the audio element. Hollywood is [READ MORE]

Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

July 7, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After Vatican police have raided a cardinal’s apartment where a drug-fuelled homosexual orgy was taking place, the public is becoming more and more aware of what goes on behind closed doors of some of the most highly influential officials. Especially a religious Order that is the Mother of the religious [READ MORE]

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

July 1, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Recently officials have been busy taking down child sex rings. California has arrested a number of clergy and high profile Elitists in a recent sting. And Hollywood has come out and admitted that this is prominent in the Hollywood entertainment scene. Podesta emails opened doors to reveal more behind the [READ MORE]

Pedophilia Ring Gets Mainstream Publicity

Pedophilia Ring Gets Mainstream Publicity

April 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many things done in the dark are squashed by mainstream TV and news. But this story was investigated by Dr. Phil who interviewed a woman exposing the Pedophilia environment exposing the rich, politicians, and high profile people. We will review this issue and bring it to the public because it [READ MORE]

Fake News And Pizzagate

Fake News And Pizzagate

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Controlled mainstream media calls alternative sources “fake.” But they are actually the fake news. We will expose Pizzagate and the pedophilia ring that permeates politicians and Washington D.C. from the Clinton/Podesta emails. Hope for victims: 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me [READ MORE]

“Pizzagate” Pedophilia Scandal

“Pizzagate” Pedophilia Scandal

December 7, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Social media had been saturated by news of the biggest pedophile scandals in modern history. The scandal, known as “Pizzagate,” threatens to implicate some of the most powerful and influential politicians of our age. Social media sites such as Reddit and 4Chan, uncovered the scandal through the Wikileaks Podesta emails, in [READ MORE]