Freemason Inauguration Ritual | podcast

Freemason Inauguration Ritual | podcast

January 23, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we reveal the ritual behind the ritual – a Freemasonic ritual that initiates the Presidential candidate into Masonic imagery of Osiris. We explain how politics is an Illuminati office run with rings within rings of Secret Societies Listen to “Freemason Inauguration Ritual” on Spreaker. Q fanatics pointed [READ MORE]

Presidents and the Illuminati | podcast

Presidents and the Illuminati | podcast

February 18, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Our history is not always as we have learned. Many regard the founding Presidents; Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and even administrators as Benjamin Franklin, as Conservative godly men who have been influenced by the Christian faith and were themselves Christians. However in documents about them we see a different account. One [READ MORE]

Is There Any Hope for America?

Is There Any Hope for America?

October 23, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

America is seeing times of distress. At the same time our current administration is telling us things are improving. For those in charge they want to see us maintain the path to continue the direction towards their America. But other Americans see that the nation has turned from its roots towards [READ MORE]