America is seeing times of distress. At the same time our current administration is telling us things are improving. For those in charge they want to see us maintain the path to continue the direction towards their America. But other Americans see that the nation has turned from its roots towards a more globalist nation that is run by a dictator, and they want to stop it.
The hope is that a Presidential candidate can be elected to reverse the damage and make America great again. But is there any chance?
America was founded upon Christian principles. While it can be argued if all the founding fathers were Christians in the proper context, or just Masons with a Christian facade, the laws and social culture is based upon precepts of the Bible. Those laws and precepts of the founding principles have since been challenged and opposed by those wanting to bring us under another ideology. One of Socialism, even of globalism towards a more secular nation. While others want the traditional principles upheld.
Our society has adopted immoral practices, and practically kicked God out of every institution, except the church. Our legislation has approved Gay Marriage, which is opposed to the laws of God (Lev 18 and Romans 1). We have endorsed Socialism and allowed Big Government to make us dependent. And abortion still is debated over whether a fetus is a legitimate living being. When it is clear to God that a fetus in the womb is known by Him (Ps 127:3-5, 139:13-16, Jer 1:4-5). And now our President Obama is kicking the bear and provoking Russia to act upon our threats. Is war in his heart?
So many think that voting a President will change things for the better and that God will once again bless America. However, is God obligated to bless a cursed nation? One that has turned its back on Him to practice wickedness?
Some Christians argue that God will do so on the behalf of them. While they petition for a man and beg God for that one. But God uses kings for the chastening of the people. When the Israelites demanded a king like the other nations, God warned them what they were asking. They rather trust a man than the Judges. So God gave them their desire. And it was according to their hearts. As we demand He put in charge the one whom we vote, we could be petitioning for our own chastening. Have to look at it from God’s perspective. And we know these people are not righteous whom we choose to begin with.
Will the answer come by a President whom we choose? Can that one actually turn the nation around? We try to choose the most godly candidate, first it was Ben Carson, then Cruz, and now we are left with Trump to save America? God help us! The argument goes on whether Trump is a believer in Jesus Christ or not. The same voters chose George W. Bush as their godly candidate and look what it brought. Then we find out his Skull and Bones affiliation. But the solution won’t come because we voted the “correct” candidate and petitioned our heart to God. It will come when we turn from our wickedness, pray and seek His face, as we preach the gospel and hopefully the hearts of the nation will change. I know we have many perspective on this.
And even as we happen to choose the “correct” one. We still have the obstacle of the Elite Congress who will do everything in its power to maintain its agenda. The leaders we have now want Globalism. They have been swaying our country towards their global agenda of a New World Order. And many in Congress have already been poisoned to believe that is the answer. So there are powers that do not want America great in itself, who have control over many of the leaders through bribes, threats, or simply leverage over them. And they will not give up their positions to reverse the process towards this agenda.
We are trying to determine a President based on our desires of which way WE want the country to go. We can put in a petition for who we want, but it won’t matter much. In the end it is not our determination, but of Yahwah God. He will choose a king or leader according to the hearts of a people. We think we can determine who SHOULD be President? Or that we can determine the course of a nation by choosing our own leader. And thus think we can choose a candidate to change the course of our nation. When it will not be according to our desire, but our need for chastisement. And in that I predict it will be bad. Until we turn from our wicked ways, repent, and seek the face of Yahwah God.