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Alice in Wonderland Psyop Tactic

December 6, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The public are not aware of psyop operations, therefore are taken by them. One particular one called “Alice in Wonderland” is a CIA torture tactic confusion technique on the public to control the narrative through mainstream sources to replace normal with nonsensical illogical conclusions by subjecting them as straightforward, but [READ MORE]

Psychological Warfare in 2020 | podcast

Psychological Warfare in 2020 | podcast

July 4, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we examine the aspects of psychological warfare, the use of non-conventional weapons of emotional, cognitive, and psychological weapons used to persuade society towards and agenda or mindset. Listen to “Psychological Warfare in 2020” on Spreaker. We will cite some examples and project some scenarios showing where this [READ MORE]