The Attitude of a Christian Truther

Often Christians face the question of how we are to obey government. We ask why the Bible suggests such thing when we have an obvious situation of oppressive leaders and government. Shouldn’t we show a hatred towards the government and an obvious rebellion against it?

What we find is that the Christians in the Truther Community join the rebellious nature of the Gnostic and ungodly truthers in their untamed attitude. Rather they ought to bring the balance of peace and rational response that comes from above. We can sort of surrender our citizenship and godly responsibility by getting wrapped up in the drama of the hopelessness of those who don’t know Christ. Yes, we grieve just the same, but the believer does not grieve the same as those who have no hope (1Thes 4:13).

We tend to love rebellion instead. Sometimes we tend to think that is the higher calling, and it is that which identifies us as a true believer having been dismissed from the world; from Babylon, for our response of open hate and bitterness. However, that only identifies us as the troublemakers. It may dismiss us from the identity of the higher calling of love that is the commandment of Christ. Instead we fall out of the nature of the calling of Christ to forsake bitterness. Yet we are to have a spirit of peace and love.

No, lol, I’m not saying we ignore sin, submit blindly to the NWO and make LOVE the excuse for ignoring the conspiracy upon us. Some believe LOVE and tolerance are over TRUTH. That’s not what I am saying. BUT some of us believers do attack and condemn in unruly abuse. Even to the expense of condemning our brothers and sisters who don’t have the same inside knowledge as us. We even criticize those who do not join in with our rebellious nature against others. As believers we should not attack the same way as the unbeliever. There is no need to respond in bitterness, hatred, and in a nature of unruliness as those who don’t know Christ, but in a response of love for a different purpose.

Scripture does say love not the things of the world. Sure we still denounce the holding the world has on us. We still dismiss our loyalty from the citizenship of the world in that we are IN the world but not OF the world. We still call out the atrocities as we should. But we must do so in a rational manner, not as one repelled by those whom we are trying to reach.

Scripture says to have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Eph 5:11). That means we are not to partake in the evil deeds of darkness. Furthermore are to bring them into the light to expose them. We shall bring shame and conviction, even to find fault with and correct. Perhaps call into account demanding explanation of them who purpose in it. But that does not grant us power of unruliness, abuse, or offense to do so. Our purpose is not for the sake of rebellion or for accusation against the ignorant, but for correction, awareness, and warning others.

We do not succumb to worshiping the emperor or sacrificing to false gods. When the believer is caught between obeying earthly authorities or God, the believer has his ultimate allegiance in God in all circumstances. The believer is called to be faithful to God. That means when an order is given that is obvious disobedient to God, we resist it to obey God first. But not all things we deem as obedience as some just like rebellion. We should put up with some orders, but when they violate our godly duty like praying, like witnessing our faith, like preaching Jesus, we ignore such orders as not applicable. We must use mature discernment.

However, for the most part, the believer is to have a quiet spirit and to live in the world kingdom as a citizen of another kingdom. Live as one that is not of this world. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. (Matt 6:33). Our loyalty is not divided. We live as children of God despite the conditions. We are ambassadors for another kingdom, citizens of heaven waiting eagerly for Jesus to return (or us to Him). Peter called believers to live as resident aliens in this world, looking to the next world as our true final resting home.

That doesn’t mean we are to deliberately act rebellious and make THAT our distinction. ALL citizens are being led to the same enslavement. We know the policies of State are now continually oppressive to lead us to slaughter, so we resist in that. However, it is all about our mannerism and attitude that others will look to our hope as one that transcends the world. Are we giving them that, or are we acting as fearful as them? We therefore are joining in the world in their expected attitude of grievance and rebellion. We grieve too, but not the same as those who have no hope.

I think some cannot differentiate between their Christian behavior and the truther cause. Some take an overaggressive stance to compensate. Perhaps they respond out of fear of being mistaken as being OF the world by their peers if they don’t dramatically show they are against the system, so they attack with both barrels blazing. So they overly exaggerate their position of grievance and make a strong line in the sand as to make their point obvious that they OPPOSE the system with all passion.

But by doing so their dramatic attack is not attractive, but repulsive. Do they rather be right and show their separation, or humbly and gently try to reach others to rescue them? Sure you may be a good truther by your attack, but are you presenting yourself as a good Christian? If we act as those with no hope, we are running in fear just as those who have no hope as if we don’t have a way out. Yet the Christian does.

And you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to kill the soul; rather be afraid of him who can destroy soul and body in Gehenna. (Matthew 10:28)

As a believer we cannot response with the same fear as those of the world, even in the Truther Community. I get tired of people making EVERY issue a priority that frankly doesn’t always matter as much to a believer in Jesus Christ. Our hope is not the same. Our grievance is not as dire. We are not as hopeless.

Many times they don’t seem to want to listen, which causes us to get louder, harsher, and more rebellious. That is usually out of frustration on our part. But we have a hope in this. If they don’t heed, the end will come – for THEM. We already have our destiny secured.

The point is not against exposing, it is about attitude, our response that gives hope that should shine. Not like those who have no hope and use it for deliberate rebellion in fear of them. We shalt not be destroyed by our fear, but to give them who fear the witness of our hope and loyalty to our God through Jesus Christ. A Christian truther should be different than a Gnostic or unbeliever truther. That’s my point.

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