The Core COVID Truth

It has been confirmed by data EVERYTHING is now categorized as COVID if they can manage a positive result involved. Heck even if they can’t, but symptoms are similar. That is how this has become a pandemic. And how they packed the numbers.

It has become a pandemic because Bill Gates, Fauci, and the other political hacks wanted it so. The Int’l Elite were behind this biggest fraud in history. There is an agenda intended for it, otherwise there would be no purpose to pose it “as an opportunity” (words admitted by the Elite).

See, the Elitists count on the ignorance of the public. They have been engineering thought and redirecting truth for a while that you are slaves to their propaganda. They have indoctrinated you, educated you, conditioned you, and fed you their lies long enough to capture your whole mind to not question or challenge official narratives.

Now they are punishing those who expose their lies and corruption by banning us, limiting our visibility, and “burning our books” so to speak, controlling social media content. Just like Nazi Germany did to indoctrinate the public.

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