“You wont own anything, but you’ll be happy”
The WEF (World Economic Forum) has announced its plan for a “Great Reset” driven by the vision of CEO Klaus Schwab that introduce a shift that intends to change how we live, work, and interact with one another. We expose the inside intentions of this agenda connecting the dots as we always do.
Listen to “The Great Reset” on Spreaker.
The World Economic Forum holds an annual meeting bringing together international business, political leaders, economists, and other high-profile individuals to discuss global issues. The new agenda driven by the vision of CEO Klaus Schwab calls for a utopian idea for a “great reset” to change how we live, and how we work, and how we interact with each other.
The statements given by the WEF both in its trailer and on social media promote the idea that you will have everything YOU NEED; basic survival given. In the outline it states, “You will not have privacy, you won’t own property, but you’ll be happy.” What you “want” will be delivered by drones; little travel necessary; the U.S. won’t be a superpower; Western values will change; and you will receive a universal basic income. But this is basically Communism, or in the very least Socialism where the State distributes your needs and demands your participation for it.
The agenda requires citizens be horded into resilient cities and live in a communal setting, which is why privacy will be surrendered. Food provided according to the herd. A creative industry movement will embed a positive environmental shift that will be the “NEW NORMAL.”
Hints have been given previously before the COVID pandemic, which is why we can say we have proof that the pandemic was not the blame, but only the opportunity given to introduce such drastic shift. Biden called it “Build back better,” whatever that means. Code words for an agenda.
Agenda 21 author Maurice Strong said in 1997 and previously that the industrialized civilizations would need to collapse, as the “group decides,” in order to save the planet. Save it from what? They are environmentalists who share in occult philosophies, so no telling what they intend. But we do know the plan involves Depopulation and detainment (elimination) of resistance.
The plan in my estimation is simply the continuation of the Illuminati plan to abolish governments, abolish private property, abolish Christianity. And these are mirrored by the tenets of Communism.