Jade Helm is seemingly over, September 23 is the next alerted date, and the Pope arrives to the US to address situations. We speculate what he will speak on, as well as the predictive programming of alien ETs. Could it lead to an alien false flag? Also CERN expected to reach astronomical numbers… quite literally, as it threatens to open up portals to other dimensions.
Jade Helm 15 operation seemingly ended without incident as was speculated, such as turning into a live operation, or bringing us to Martial Law, or collecting dissenters opposed to tyrannical government. But we don’t know the residual affect and must await any further consequence. The media had been hushed on the reporting. The documents give the potential of everything speculated.
The Pope will visit the U.S. between September 23 and 25.
He will meet with Obama on the 23rd, with US Congress on the 24th, and with the UN on the 25th. What he will address can be speculated by his recent comments. He will likely address economic concerns and poverty. climate change, the New World Order, and as according to strange statements he had recently made about extraterrestrials, we may throw that into the mix as society had been preprogrammed lately to accept such concepts.
We are heightened to be alert on the date of September 23rd. Is this to prepare us for an intended agenda, or will it pass with no incident? Possibly it may be an occult means to build an energy in which occultists use for their ritual magick.
C.E.R.N. is ramping up their operation to a high intensity to reach numbers never before reached. In the admission of physicists, they intend to break reality and open up portals to other dimensions, with the possibility of opening black holes.
The possiblity is that they are intagonizing the concept of alien ET’s, which in the Bible describes them as demonic entities by fallen angels. Could this coincide with Revelation 9 that says an angel will be given the keys to the bottomless pit to release the most wicked demons, namely Apollyon? Incidentally, the location of this giant laboratory is on the site of Apollyon worship. Some think spiritually this could be a message of the true spiritual intent. CERN’s mascot is Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction. CERN is a physical form of witchcraft.
Also there has been mention of a false flag alien attack where a supposed enemy, in this case in the intergalactic realm, to distract us to condition us for the need of heightened security and more military action.
One thing is certain. The stage has been set for multiple opportunities for the Elitists to use to create a crisis that would force society into accepting an agenda. In this case the agenda is a New World Order as intended sine the ancient times by the Illuminati.