Warning, You Are Being Monitored

Warning, You Are Being Monitored

August 28, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In my early years, we all were concerned with “Big Brother” and the capability of government to monitor us and eavesdrop on our every day conversations. It was a sort of joke to consider that someone was on the other end of phone conversations and listening to our intimate discussions. [READ MORE]

Satanic Mind Control

Satanic Mind Control

August 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Satanism has been striving for acceptance more and more in society through political means. But it has been after years of conditioning under mind control. In some Elite societies Satanic ritual are used for trauma-based mind control and abuse. In the public Satanism is present, but more subtle. Hollywood and [READ MORE]

Is Your Mind Being Manipulated?

Is Your Mind Being Manipulated?

August 2, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many forces work against us these days. Our minds are under assault in more ways than most realize. Indoctrination comes in all forms. But also chemical toxins affect the way we think, as well as electronic frequencies and impulses by waves going to our brain. But many do not know [READ MORE]