If Our Mayors Are THIS Corrupt, What Is The Rest Of The Population Like Behind Closed Doors?

Michael Snyder reveals corruption in Mayors

It isn’t just the politicians in Washington D.C. that are deeply corrupt.  In this article you will read about two prominent mayors that have engaged in absolutely horrific behavior, and you will read about a sex scandal out in California that involved 24 different police officers sleeping with the same prostitute.  The reason why I write about these things is not to gross you out.  Instead, the goal is to get America to take a long look in the mirror.  Ultimately, we aren’t going to turn this country around by electing the right president, because the truth is that the biggest problem with this nation is in our own hearts.  Until we get our hearts right, nothing is going to really change. When I was growing up, mayors were people that you looked up to and respected.  But these days many of them appear to be sex-fueled maniacs.  Just consider the case of Fairfax, Virginia mayor R. Scott Silverthorne.  If you are not familiar with Fairfax, it is an upscale D.C. suburb that is only about

Source: If Our Mayors Are THIS Corrupt, What Is The Rest Of The Population Like Behind Closed Doors?

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