Epstein Files Released

Epstein Files Released

January 13, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We have to address the disclosed Epstein files that were just released. More were unsealed as we get a deeper glimpse into the list of names that come up in this new public release. Some we are not surprised, others may shock you. These are from lists that we borrowed [READ MORE]

Unraveling Mind Control | podcast

Unraveling Mind Control | podcast

March 18, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Mind control experiments have been conducted in Nazi Germany as well as in the United States. Many are victims of this unethical practice which takes human subjects and torments their mind to test their ability to sustain through trauma. Listen to “Unraveling Mind Control” on Spreaker. We go through the [READ MORE]

COVID-19 Red-Pilled | James Perloff

COVID-19 Red-Pilled | James Perloff

May 9, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

  (For those who might not know, “red-pilled” is a metaphor adapted from the 1999 film The Matrix. Taking the “red pill” means to awaken to reality; taking the “blue pill” means to continue living in… This article is a must see by James Perloff. It does a good job [READ MORE]

A Boost for 5G Security, Broadband Availability

A Boost for 5G Security, Broadband Availability

March 28, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, applauded the passage of bills. “The bills signed into law today by the President are critical to ensuring that all Americans can access broadband and that our networks are secure and trusted,” the committee said in a statement. “The need for connectivity is even [READ MORE]