Is There Any Hope for America?

Is There Any Hope for America?

October 23, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

America is seeing times of distress. At the same time our current administration is telling us things are improving. For those in charge they want to see us maintain the path to continue the direction towards their America. But other Americans see that the nation has turned from its roots towards [READ MORE]

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Shadow Government Tactics Exposed

October 23, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Shadow Government is a secret group who govern the affairs of officials. Wikileaks has released several emails one revealing Hillary Clinton making reference to this ominus group. We will discuss some tactics they use to keep whistleblowers quiet. Listen to “Shadow Government Tactics Exposed” on Spreaker.

Jesuits and the Social Justice Gospel

Jesuits and the Social Justice Gospel

October 11, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Social Justice is an equalization of wealth to all humanity. Tim Kaine recently stated that it was his training as a Jesuit to promote Social Justice, which ensures no citizen is left behind without equal resources and availability of needs. Some who support this believe that Jesus called for all [READ MORE]

What is the Sign of Jesus Coming?

What is the Sign of Jesus Coming?

October 6, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many are looking for signs of Jesus’ second coming. The scripture tells the specific order and what to look for in Matthew 24. We will compare the scripture with issues going on in today’s society. You may download the episode by simply clicking on the title.