Strange Religion… Kanye West | podcast

Strange Religion… Kanye West | podcast

November 27, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss Kanye West and his weird cult religion that dresses in white robes that attracts celebrities like Justin Beiber and Marilyn Manson. Is this Christianity? Listen to “Strange Religion… Kanye West” on Spreaker. People can claim to be Christian, but do they actually show the characteristics [READ MORE]

Great American Rebellion | podcast

Great American Rebellion | podcast

November 20, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Indications that America is starting to get tired of the pandemic. Some are fighting back. Also we explain how Christian truthers should conduct themselves in the fear of the Great Reset, NWO, and agenda upon the citizens of the world. Listen to “Great American Rebellion” on Spreaker. Appeals Court Re-affirms [READ MORE]

Socialist Regime Mandates | podcast

Socialist Regime Mandates | podcast

November 13, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Biden administration attempted to pass through mandates through occupational standards by using OSHA. The 5th Court Circuit put a stay on the action stating it was unconstitutional. However the stay is temporary, which means another attempt may be sought through some other loophole. Socialism is a goal of Elitists [READ MORE]

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Christian Conduct In the World

November 13, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Some interpret being OF the world differently. Some Christians be like: No drink at all No dancing No music Nothing but Bible Don’t partake in anything of the world No fun, always serious But the Christian mindset is more like: Let your drink be controlled, stay sober Dance with joy [READ MORE]

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The Attitude of a Christian Truther

November 13, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Often Christians face the question of how we are to obey government. We ask why the Bible suggests such thing when we have an obvious situation of oppressive leaders and government. Shouldn’t we show a hatred towards the government and an obvious rebellion against it? What we find is that [READ MORE]