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Why I Am Still A Christian

December 31, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We are in this world. The world is spiraling downhill fast. But unfortunately it doesn’t matter if you are a Christian or not you still are affected by the infection. The rain falls likewise on the just and the unjust. So why am I a Christian? It is a misconception [READ MORE]

Christmas of Christian Origin or Pagan?

Christmas of Christian Origin or Pagan?

December 23, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we try to defend against the arguments of those who debunk the Christmas myths. Some claim Christmas was originally a Christian festival that pagans adopted rather than a pagan festival that Christians adopted and gave it the name. We share the similarities and how the claim that [READ MORE]

Saturnalia the Festival that Influenced Christmas

Saturnalia the Festival that Influenced Christmas

December 16, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Christians often defend that Christmas is a Christian holiday developed by Christians and has nothing to do with paganism. We share the commonalities of the Roman festival Saturnalia that occurred well before the birth of Christ that eventually influenced the Christian holiday known as Christmas. Listen to “Saturnalia the Festival [READ MORE]

Subliminal Psyops

Subliminal Psyops | podcast

December 9, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss how we are affected by subliminal stimuli and how it is used not only in psychological programming but in every day advertising and such. What triggers our subconscious? How does it affect our decisions? We also address what happens when our mind processes something a [READ MORE]

U.N. New World Order | podcast

U.N. New World Order | podcast

December 2, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Do the United Nations run the plans for the NWO? They certainly have a hand in policies that regulate member nations and direct towards Globalization. We discuss the inside agenda of the agency and some affiliates to show that they lead sectors towards the goal. Listen to “UN New World [READ MORE]