Have You Been Black Pilled? | podcast

Have You Been Black Pilled? | podcast

February 24, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Some have been so fired up that they attack, accuse, and shame rather than inform. They become cold, bitter, cynical. Who am I talking about? Some even in the Truther Community have become so upset or fearful it made them violent. Their words are filled with smoke and fire and [READ MORE]

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War Shouldn’t Be Surprising

February 11, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

You shouldn’t be surprised of war. It is a natural process of possession and manipulation used by the Elite International Bankers. Stirred by greed and power, these wealthy Elite will use casualties at their disposal without wincing. Wars and Revolutions have been the tool used since early days of antiquity. [READ MORE]

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The New Generation Great Depression

February 11, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

You know inflation is hitting us. An article just released that Americans are in more debt than ever before and drowning in keeping afloat for regular needed expenses. Despite that prices of goods continue to rise. You can say it is due to war, due to economic stress, due to [READ MORE]

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Co-Existence of Beliefs

February 4, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Religion is not the actual relationship with God, nor does it replace such. Religion is defined as merely the consensus of creed (or expression thereof) in which a group adheres to. One other thing that we forget is that while religions exist to explain purpose or to hold to a [READ MORE]

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The History of the Bible Versions

February 4, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The growing debate over Bible versions continues. I am going to state this clearly. Many Bible versions existed through the ages, not just one (The KJV only as many wrongly believe). Later versions derived in 1881 from latter findings of manuscripts in caves like the Alexandrian Critical Texts. The problem [READ MORE]