Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?

Cyber Attack Blackout Coming? | podcast

April 27, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We have been getting warnings of an imminent cyber attack from China or Russia or who knows where. They claim the grid will go down resulting in a major blackout and millions will die. Listen to “Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?” on Spreaker. Now I don’t know if its that dramatic, [READ MORE]

What is this Red Heifer? | podcast

What is this Red Heifer? | podcast

April 27, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We keep hearing about the expectation of this “red heifer.” What is this red heifer and where does it come from? We find it in one verse in scripture Numbers 19:2 and that’s about it. There was an ordinance to produce such an offering to cleanse the people. Yet many [READ MORE]