As many know, the majority of mainstream media is controlled by only 6 corporations and banking interests. It was almost dwindled down to 5 a couple of years ago when Comcast bid for Time Warner, But that was won out in 2016 by Charter Communication, still remaining the 6 corporations.
It looks like this today:
Comcast (GE) – NBC, Universal Pictures
News Corp – Fox, Wall Street Journal, New York Post
Disney – ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios
Viacom – MTV, NICK, BET, Paramount
Charter Communication – Spectrum (Time Warner), CNN, HBO, Time, Warner Brothers
CBS – Showtime, NFL, Jeopardy, 60 Minutes
A negotiation is in the works for Disney to acquire 21st Century Fox. Although if the deal goes through, it is believed that for the time being Fox News would remain independent under 21st Century. That is until a final merger with the Murdock Publishing Company is considered. Then we may see Fox News become even more “Mickey Mouse” than before.
Fox Chief Executive Officer James Murdoch is likely to be offered a senior position at Disney after the transaction closes, to succeed Disney CEO Bob Iger.
The talks between Disney and Fox, which began more than two months ago, will unite two giants of the entertainment industry and mark a significant turning point for Rupert Murdoch, who had assembled a media empire.
This will virtually bring the major mainstream media control to only 5 Corporations, narrowing the competition. As if there is any now. Most streams of information comes from Elite controlled sources and their financial groups. Much of the News is given through news feed like AP and Reuters, which is controlled by Rothschild interest.
So we already have few choices in the mainstream media, and all roads leads to the same place; either Rome or the New World Order. However you want to look at it.