When are people going to learn that you don’t mess with Trump? Over the past several decades, the United Nations has grown into a vast bureaucratic monstrosity that is completely out of control, but previous administrations have just kept feeding the beast. Thankfully, we now have a president that is not afraid to stand up to the globalists, and the $285 million budget reduction that Trump and his team just negotiated is the largest budget reduction in UN history. Those that have not read “The Art of the Deal” yet may want to do so, because this is Trump at his best. The following is the statement that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley put out about this stunning budget reduction… Today, the United Nations agreed on a budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Among a host of other successes, the United States negotiated a reduction of over $285 million off the 2016-2017 final budget. In addition to these significant cost savings, we reduced the UN’s bloated management and support functions,
See Story: The UN Tried To Mess With Trump, But They Ended Up With A $285 Million Budget Reduction Instead